Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I activate my Kodnest account?
After registering for a course at Kodnest, you'll receive an email containing an OTP and a link for activation. Click on the link, enter the OTP, and set up your password. You can then log into your account.

What happens if I don't receive an email after registering for a course at Kodnest?
If you don't find the email in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folders. If you still can't find it, contact the Kodnest support team for assistance.

How do I join my classes at Kodnest?
You can join your classes via the Kodnest app. For live online classes, check your schedule on the dashboard and click on the 'Join Now' button. For offline classes, follow the schedule and mark your attendance as guided by your trainer.

What is the class schedule on the Kodnest app?
The class schedule can be found on your dashboard right below your name. It lists your upcoming classes, and you can join live classes directly from this schedule.

How is attendance marked at Kodnest?
For online classes, your attendance is automatically tracked based on your active screen time in the live class. You must have at least 80% active screen time to be marked present. For offline classes, your attendance is marked manually by your trainer.

Where can I practice coding at Kodnest?
You can practice coding in the 'Test' section of the Kodnest app. Select the 'Practice' sub-section and choose from a variety of coding questions related to your course topics. Regular practice with these problems can help enhance your coding skills.

How do I access my homework at Kodnest?
You can find your homework assignments in the 'Test' section of the Kodnest app, under the 'Homework' subsection. Review and complete the assignments, then submit them directly within the app.

What happens if I miss the deadline for a homework assignment at Kodnest?
It's important to complete and submit your homework before the set deadline. If you miss a deadline, contact your course instructor or the Kodnest support team for further instructions.

How are assessments conducted at Kodnest?
Assessments are accessible from the main menu of the app. They can be weekly, surprise, or other types of assessments and cover all subjects in your course. You'll receive feedback on your performance to help identify areas for improvement.

How do I receive feedback on my assessments?
After completing an assessment, you will receive feedback on your performance. If you need further clarification on the feedback, you can contact your course instructor.

How does the placement process work at Kodnest?
Ensure your profile is complete and your resume is updated. Job opportunities are posted in the 'Placement' section of the app. If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can apply directly. The company will conduct interview rounds and if successful, you'll receive a job offer.

What if I don't meet the eligibility criteria for a job posted on Kodnest?
If you don't meet the eligibility criteria for a job, it's advisable to continue enhancing your skills and apply for jobs that align with your skills and career goals.

How do I create a resume on Kodnest?
You can create a resume through the Resume Service in the Kodnest app. Fill in sections like contact information, education, skills, certifications, and achievements. You can save your progress, preview, and submit your resume. Your resume becomes active after completing a prerequisite course.

What should I do if I want to change the project listed on my resume in Kodnest?
You can edit your resume at any time by going to the "View My Resume" section and clicking on the "Edit" button. If you change your project, you'll need to complete the course associated with the new project for your resume to become active again.

How do I access course materials and resources at Kodnest?
Course materials such as syllabus, class recordings, notes, and assignments can be found in the 'Courses' section of the Kodnest app dashboard. Select your course to view all related content.