How to access Assessment ?

How to access Assessment ?

Assessments within the Kodnest app are a multifaceted tool designed to track your progress across a range of subjects, not just Java. They serve as a holistic overview of your understanding of all the course material. Here's how they function: Understanding Assessments: Assessments can be accessed from the app's main menu. This section is divided into different types of assessments - weekly, surprise, and others - each serving a unique purpose. Weekly Assessments: These are regular, scheduled assessments, mainly conducted at the end of each week. They focus on the topics covered within that week, allowing you to gauge how well you've absorbed and understood the material. Surprise Assessments: These assessments are not scheduled and can occur at any time. The idea behind surprise assessments is to keep you on your toes and encourage consistent study and review of all subjects. They could cover any topic from any subject, reinforcing the importance of maintaining a well-rounded understanding. Other Assessments: Apart from weekly and surprise assessments, there could be other forms of evaluation. These could be based on special topics, practical projects, or as a part of preparation for upcoming placements. Comprehensive Evaluation: Assessments aren't limited to Java. They span across all subjects to ensure you're developing a comprehensive understanding of all course material. Reviewing Assessment Results: Post completion of an assessment, you will receive your score and feedback. This feedback will help you identify areas that need more focus, and help you plan your future learning strategy. Learning from Assessments: Remember to use these assessments as a learning tool. Any gaps in understanding identified by the assessments should prompt a review of the relevant course material or a discussion with your instructors for further clarity. Assessments are a key part of your learning journey at Kodnest, and they're designed to ensure you're making consistent, holistic progress across all subjects.